Pascal-scm for Atmel AVR

Multi-Task Developmentsystem for Atmel's AVR© RISC CPU's 90S2313..mega256, XMegas

AVRco ...

  • has a powerful project-oriented multi-window editor with syntax and error Highlight, Online help
  • Application assistent for interactive design of the application. Generates source code.
  • Pascal-Compiler supports processes, tasks, interrupts and onChip peripherals. 16- and 32bit Integer
  • includes IEEE floatingpoint , trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
  • Fixed Point arithmetic, Fix64 (s31.32), trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
  • has extensive bit manipulation. Driver for I2C-Bus, LCD-Display, 7-seg LED-Display, RS232, Stepper, LAN
  • Assembler, also for machine code in the Pascal-Source
  • contains as a Bonus an own Simulator for Multitask Debugging
  • comes with an included InCircuit Programmer + JTAG Debugger-ICE + PDI Debugger-ICE (works as a dongle)
  • 1 year of free updates/downloads, a fee of 25% of the actual price for each additional year
  • XP, VISTA, Windows7, Windows10 compatible, 32 and 64bit


Free download AVRco Profi Version

Free release of AVRco

  • With completely implemented Pointers, Arrays, Records, BitSets etc. Give it a try and enjoy it. You will not be disappointed. With 5 complete manuals
  • If you encounter any errors or problems, send an e-mail with a short description and some source lines. We will immediately put a revised update on our homepage for download. Always take a look at the displayed update date.

Units in Borland Style, Sound driver, LCD graphics driver, Heap management, Table Interpolation, EtherNet Stack xUDP, FAT16 FileSystem, USB

  • many future enhancements

Merlin Optimiser

  • Support tool
  • Optimiser Plug-in for the Standard and Profi version
  • reduces the code size between 5% and 20%

Documentation and Downloads

Useful support Chips and Sensors downloads here

Original Atmel AVR datasheets downloads here

Searching for Pascal tutorials? click here and here


E-LAB Computers, Grombacher Str. 27, 74906 Bad Rappenau, e-mail, Tel. 07268/9124-0, Fax. 07268/9124-24
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