Mainly for small series, for testing purpose and proof of concept.
Boards |
Picture |
Evaluation board for soft- and
hardware development.
Mega128, 2xserial, MMC/FAT16 interface for FAT16-MMC board, I2C
interface, speaker, all ports routet to ribbon cable headers.
Price:: euro 98.- +ship
Product: Evaboard I
OrderNr: 2013 |
Evaluation Board for soft- and hardware development.
Mega128, 1xRS232, 1xRS485, 2k FRAM MMC/FAT16 interface for FAT16-MMC
board, I2C interface, speaker, all ports routet to ribbon cable
Price:: euro 105.- +ship
Product: Evaboard 485
OrderNr: 2027 |
Evaluation Board for soft- and hardware development.
Mega128, 2kB FRAM, 1xRS232, 1xRF-Radio header, MMC/FAT16 interface
for FAT16-MMC board, I2C interface, speaker, all ports routet to
ribbon cable headers.
Without RF-Radio module
Price:: euro 98.- +ship
Product: Evaboard Radio
OrderNr: 2040 |
Evaluation Board for soft- and hardware development.
Mega128CAN, 2kB FRAM, 1xRS232, 2xCAN header, MMC/FAT16 interface
for FAT16-MMC board, I2C interface, speaker, all ports routet to
ribbon cable headers.
Price:: euro 120.- +ship
Product: Evaboard CAN
OrderNr: 2072 |
Evaluation Board for soft- and hardware development for ARM7 controller
LPC2129, 1xRS232, 1xRS485 or 1xCAN, 2k FRAM, MMC/FAT16 interface
for FAT16-MMC board, I2C interface, speaker, all ports routet to
ribbon cable headers.
Price:: euro 120.- +ship
Product: Evaboard ARM
OrderNr: 2041 |
Evaluation Board for soft- and hardware development for ARM7 controller
LPC2129, 1xRS232, 1xRF-Radio, 1xCAN, 2k FRAM, MMC/FAT16 interface
for FAT16-MMC board, I2C interface, speaker, all ports routet to
ribbon cable headers.
Without RF-Radio module
Price:: euro 120.- +ship
Product: Evaboard ARM Radio
OrderNr: 2042 |
RS232-485 Converter
Line/ Level converter from RS232 to RS485
Interface between PC Systems and the Evaluation Boards with RS485
interfaces Schematics
Price:: euro 35.- +ship
Product: RS232-485 Converter
OrderNr: 2043 |
RS232-485 Converter
Line/ Level converter from RS232 to RS485 with
ProfiBUS pinout. Connects PC Systems and the Evaluation Boards with
ProfiBUS interfaces Schematics
Price:: euro 35.- +ship
Product: RS232-ProfiBUS
OrderNr: 2076 |
RS232-Radio Converter
Converter from RS232 to EasyRadio module
Interface between a PC system and the Evaluation Boards with RF-Radio
interfaces Schematics
Price:: euro 29.- +ship
Product: RS232 Radio Converter
OrderNr: 2044 |
Radio-Transceiver Module
EasyRadio board as a plug-in for all EvaBoards with RF-Radio jack
and also the RS232-Radio Converter above.
Either equipped with a 433MHz or 866MHz unit.
Plugable rod antenna included.
Datasheet EasyRadio-433
Datasheet EasyRadio-866
Price:: euro 70.- +ship
Product: Radio Transceiver Module
OrderNr: 2045 |
MMC-Disk Drive RS232
Self-contained MMC Flash Card drive for MMC and SD cards. RS232
interface to a PC or any micro controller boards.
Onboard Mega32 contains the FAT16 file system. Firmware is downloadable
in source, also a comprehensive PC test program.
Without flash cards.
Sources, PC Demo and Test program
Price:: euro 50.- +ship
Product: MMC-M64ser
OrderNr: 2046
MMC-Disk Drive I2C
Self-contained MMC Flash Card drive for MMC and SD cards. I2C
interface to any I2C enabled micro controller board.
Onboard Mega32 contains the FAT16 file system. Firmware is downloadable
in source, also a comprehensive test program.
Without flash cards.
AVR Sources and Test program
Schematics Layout
Price:: euro 50.- +ship
Product: MMC-M64i2c
OrderNr: 2047 |
LCD-I2C Interface Adaptor
Test and demo board for the AVRco Multi-LCD driver.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Upto 8 LCD interfaces at one I2C interface.
3 standard connectors on board for different LCD connector types.
Price:: euro 17.- +ship
Product: LCD-I2C
OrderNr: 2014
MMC Card Interface
Evaluation and testboard for the
AVRco FAT16 filesystem.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Wiring by a 6 line flat cable. Level-shifter
3.3-5Volt on board. Card holder with push-push eject.
Sample program
Price: euro 30.- +ship
Product: MMC Card Interface
OrderNr: 2015
I2C Port Expander
Evaluation and testboard for the AVRco I2C PortExpand driver.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Wiring
through a 6 line flat cable. Expands an AVR by 4 bi-directional
ports. Each bit controllable like an AVR port bit.
Price: euro 33.- +ship
Product: I2C Port Expander
OrderNr: 2016
CF Card Interface
Evaluation and testboard for the AVRco FAT16 filesystem.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Connects through the I2C Interface.
3.3Volt regulator on board. Card holder with ejector. Also suitable
for MicroDrives.
Price: euro 37.- +ship
Product: CF-Card Interface
OrderNr: 2017 |
IDE Drive Interface
Evaluation and testboard for the AVRco FAT16 filesystem.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the I2C Interface.
Price: euro 19.- +ship
Product: IDE Drive Interface
OrderNr: 2018 |
Evaluation and testboard for the AVRco TCP/IP system.
Mega128, 32kB SRAM, 2xSerial IF.
10/100MBit CAT5 interface. Ethernet unit uses only the I2C interface
of the mega128. Nearly all ports routed to connectors.
Price: euro 150.- +ship
Product: Etherboard II
OrderNr: 2019 |
I2C-1Wire Interface Board
Works as a bridge between a AVR and the Dallas 1Wire BUS.
Connect through the I2C BUS. Upto 8 1Wire buses can be connected
and controlled.
DS2482 1Wire Master, DS2433 1Wire EEprom and DS1821 Temperatur Sensor
on board.
Demo Program
Price euro 25.- +ship
Product: I2C-1Wire
OrderNr: 2077 |
RC5 Demo Board
Evaluation und Testboard für den RC5 Infrarot
Sende und Empfangsbetrieb.
Mit IR Sendediode und 38kHz IR Empfänger.
Demo Program
Preis euro 23.- +MwSt +ship
Artikel: RC5 Demo
BestNr: 2069 |
Precision Realtime Clock
Evaluation and Testboard for the I2C clock circuit RTC8564 of
Quartz is build-in into the chip. 24h run reserve through 0.1F Gold
CAP condensator. Compatible to the EvaBoards. Connects through the
I2C Interface.
Datasheet RTC8564
Price: euro 22.- +ship
Product: Precision Realtime Clock
OrderNr: 2020 |
IM7010 Ethernet TCP/IP Adapter
Evaluation and testboard for the TCP/IP hardware stack IM7010A.
Inclusive the above Realtime Clock
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the I2C Interface.
Price: euro 75.- +ship
Product: TCP/IP Adapter
OrderNr: 2021 |
I2C Digital IO
Optocouple and relay interface. 8 inputs and 8 outputs for 5..24Volt,
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the I2C Interface.
Test and Demo Source
Price: euro 60.- +ship
Product: I2C DigIO
OrderNr: 2048 |
I2C Keys and LEDs
8 keys and 8 LEDs
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the I2C Interface.
Test and Demo Source
Price: euro 30.- +ship
Product: I2C KeyLED
OrderNr: 2049
Keyboard 4x4 and 7seg Display
16 Keys. Demo and test board for the Matrix Port driver of the
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Test and Demo Source
Price euro 26.- +ship
Product : Keyboard 7seg
OrderNr: 2070 |
Serial R2R DAC
8-Bit serial Digital-Analog Converter with 0..5Volt OP-Amp output.
Connect through 3 port pins (serial), 8bit port (parallel) or SPI.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Test and Demo Source
Price euro 26.- +ship
Product: SerDAC
OrderNr: 2070 |
Serial I2C R2R DAC 2 Channels
Two 8-Bit serial Digital-Analog Converter with 0..5Volt OP-Amp
output. Conect via the I2C BUS.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Test und Demo Source
Price euro 28.- +ship
Product: I2C-DAC
OrderNr: 2071 |
Nonlinear Sensor Demo and Test Board
With sensors for temperature, light and distance. NTC, PT1000,
LDR, Sharp sensor.
All sensoren are non-linear and must be linearized.
Connect to the ADC-ports of the EvaBoards. Sample
Sharp Datasheet
Price: euro 35.- +ship
Product: NonLinear Sensors
OrderNr: 2050
Envitonment Sensor Temperature and Humidity
With temperature and humidity sensor SHT71
Sample program
SHT71 Datasheet
Price euro 32.- +ship
Product: EnvSens Temp
OrderNr: 2080
Environment Sensor Air Pressure
With absolute air pressure sensor, barometer.
Temperature stabilized and linearized.
Connect to the ADC-Ports of the EvaBoards.
Sample program
MPX Datasheet
Price euro 32.- +ship
Product: EnvSensor Press
OrderNr: 2079
Environment Sensor Air Pressure, Temperature
and Humidity (Weatherstation)
With absolute air pressure sensor, barometer.
Temperature stabilized and linearized.
Connect to the ADC-Ports of the EvaBoards.
With temperature and humidity sensor SHT71
Sample program
SHT71 Datasheet
MPX Datasheet
Price euro 53.- +ship
Product: EnvSensors
OrderNr: 2081 |
Control Loop learn and testboard
Evaluation and testboard for exercising and testing control
loops like PID control or Fuzzy Logic. Contains a DC Motor with
tacho, power heat resistor with a temperature sensor and 2 Power
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the I2C Interface.
Sample program
Price: euro 60.- +ship
Product: I2C Control Loop
OrderNr: 2022 |
CAN-BUS SPI Interface
Evaluation and testboard for exercising and testing of the CAN-BUS
Controller MCP2515 CAN2.0
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connects through the SPI Interface.
Price: euro 35.- +ship
Product: CAN-BUS SPI Interface
OrderNr: 2024 |
CAN-BUS IO Expander
Evaluation and testboard for exercising and testing of the CAN-BUS
Controller MCP25050 CAN2.0
8xDigital IO, 4x10Bit ADC, 2xPWM
Compatible to the CAN-BUS SPI Interface
Price: euro 35.- +ship
Product: CAN-BUS IO Expander
OrderNr: 2025 |
IO Expander Power
Universal Input/Output board for the AVRco driver IOexpand.
24V operation
8xRelais outputs, 16xOpto inputs,
1xFullbridge DC output 2Amp
3xMOS Highside Switch 3Amp
3xOpto-Triac 3Amp zero-crossing switches.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Price: euro 140.- +ship
Product: IO Expander Power
OrderNr: 2026 |
Incremental Decoder Demo
Evaluation and Testboard for exercising and testing of the AVRco
driver IncrPort.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Connect to the Port_BE header.
2-phase incremental sensor (resistive) included. Resolution total:
300 i/rev.
Example program
Price: euro 35.- +ship
Product: Increment Decoder
OrderNr: 2035 |
Digital 5-Way Joystick
With 2 switches for the X and Y directions and an additional
one for the Z axis.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Example Program
Price euro 16.- +ship
Product: Joystick-D
OrderNr: 2074 |
Analoger X-Y Joystick
Mit 2 Potentiometer für die X und Y Richtungen und einem
Schliesskontakt für die Z Achse.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Example Program
Price euro 19.- +ship
Product: Joystick-A
OrderNr: 2075 |
Stepper Motor Controller Power Stage
2x1Amp for 2-Phase motors. Sinus like current (wave drive) with
8 micro steps.
Inputs: 1x step, 1x direction, 2Bit for current = 4 power levels.
Inclusive stepper motor
Datasheet A3977
Demo program
Price: euro 40.- +ship
Product: Stepper Axe 2x1Amp
OrderNr: 2051
Stepper Motor Controller Power Stage
2x2Amp for 2-Phase motors. Sinus like current (wave drive) with
8 micro steps.
Inputs: 1x step, 1x direction, 2Bit for current = 4 power levels.
Inclusive stepper motor
Datasheet A3977 Schematics
Layout Demo
program Price: euro 47.- +ship
Product: Stepper Axe 2x2Amp
OrderNr: 2052 |
Stepper Motor Base 3 Axes
1xMega128, 3xMega32 for controlling of upto 3 of the above
stepper stages.
2 relay output, 2 manual inputs.
RS232 for a PC connection. I2C for Jog control
AVR and PC Sources,
demo program
Price: euro 85.- +ship
Product: Stepper Base 3x
OrderNr: 2053 |
GraphicLCD-I2C Interface Adapter
Test and Demo Board for the AVRco
Graphic-LCD driver in I2C/TWI mode.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Connects through the I2C Interface.
2 standard connectors on board for different LCD
connection types. -12Volt contrast on board. Suitable graphic display
see below.
Demo program
Price: euro 22.- +ship
Product: I2C Graphic LCD Interface
OrderNr: 2028 |
Mega8 Terminal Board I2C
Small selfcontained LCD Terminal Board with I2C-Host connection.
Compatible to the EvaBoards.
Supports a LCD displays and a keyboard. Contrast poti and beeper
on board. Suitable displays and keyboard see below.
Firmware source
Price: euro 25.- +ship
Product: Mega8 Terminal I2C
OrderNr: 2029 |
Mega8 Terminal Board CAN
Small selfcontained LCD Terminal Board with CAN-Host connection
via a MCP2515.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Supports a LCD displays and a keyboard.
Contrast poti and beeper on board. Suitable displays and keyboard
see below. Free I2C/TWI port.
Price: euro 32.- +ship
Product: Mega8 Terminal CAN
OrderNr: 2030 |
Speech Demo - Music and Voice Playback
Test and Demo Board for the AVRco Speech driver. Can playback
WAV files in the format 8bit/11kHz/Mono.
Driver only in the new AVRco version 4.
Compatible to the EvaBoards. Connect through 3 port pins (serial),
8bit port (parallel) or SPI.
Inklusive speaker. Demo Program
Schematic Layout
Price: euro 21.- +ship
Product:Speech Demo
OrderNr: 2078 |
Foil Keyboard for the M8-Terminals
Small foil keyboard for the Mega terminals above. Size: 56x76mm
Compatible to the Mega8 Terminals.
Price: euro 10.- +ship
Product: Foil Keyboard
OrderNr: 2031 |
Alpha-numeric LCD Display
2x16 characters. controller 44780.
Positive contrast voltage.
LED background light.
Price: euro 10.- +ship
Product: Standard LCD 2x16
OrderNr: 2023
Alpha-numeric LCD Display
2x16 characters. Controller 44780. Positive contrast voltage.
LED background light.
Very small size: 53x20mm total
Compatible to the Mega8 Terminals.
Price: euro 12.- +ship
Product: Mini LCD 2x16
OrderNr: 2032 |
Alpha-numeric LCD Display
4x20 characters. Controller 66712. Positive contrast voltage.
LED background light.
Small size: 65x29mm total
Compatible to the Mega8 Terminals.
Price: euro 20.- +ship
Product: Mini LCD 4x20
OrderNr: 2033
Alpha-numeric LCD Display
4x20 characters. Controller 44780. Positive contrast voltage.
Blue background.
blue LED background light. ca. 30mA
Size 98x60mm total, Display 85x30mm
Price euro 28.- +ship
Product : Standard LCD 4x20
OrderNr: 2066 |
Graphic LCD Display 128x64
128x64 pixels. Controller KS0108. Negative contrast voltage
LED background light.
Size: 93x70mm total
Compatible to the GraphicLCD-I2C Interface Adapter
Price: euro 38.- +ship
Product: Graphic LCD 128x64
OrderNr: 2034 |
Graphic LCD Display 240x128
256x128 pixels. Controller T6963.
Single 5Volt supply
White LED backlight, ca. 250mA
Size 144x104mm total
Display 114x64mm
Price euro 60.- +ship
Product: Graphic LCD 240x128
OrderNr : 2065 |
Ceramic Resonators
With build-in capacitors
Tol. +/-0.5%
Temp +/-0.3% -20..+80deg
Values: 6.4MHz and 16.0MHz
10 pcs Price: euro 5.- +ship
Product: Ceramic Resonator 6.4MHz
OrderNr: 2039
Product: Ceramic Resonator 16MHz
OrderNr: 2036
Board Connector Cable
Plug + Receptable RM2.54
length 25cm, opposite ends tinned, polarized, locking. Nylon, height
2pins 10pcs Price: euro 5.- +ship
OrderNr: 2037
3pins 10pcs Price: euro 7.50 +ship
OrderNr: 2038 |
MicroMatch Connector
Receptable RM2.54/1.27
for the plugs below
Product: MicroMatch 6pin female
Price: euro 1.- +ship
OrderNr: 2056
Product: MicroMatch 10pin female
Price: euro 1.20 +ship
OrderNr: 2057
MicroMatch Connector
Ribbon cable plug RM2.54
for the above header.
Product: MicroMatch 6pin male
Price: euro 1.- +ship
OrderNr: 2054
Product: MicroMatch 10pin male
Price: euro 1.20 +ship
OrderNr: 2055
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