The Versatile:
UPP2-X accu portable ISP programmer
Portable Programmer for InCircuit programming
USB version - JTAG, SPI, TPI, UPDI and PDI modes
- Supports all SPI, JTAG, PDI, UPDI and TPI programmable AVRs
- Supports XMegas in PDI mode
- Supports Tinys in TPI and UPDI mode
- Supports all SPI programmable AT89Sxx, AT89LSxx
and AT89LPxx types
- Supports the TI/ChipCon CC1110, CC2510 and CC2430
- Connection to the PC through USB
- NEW with more robust USB-C socket.
- No powersupply necessary. The unit is powered direct from the
USB port of the PC or the target or the internal battery
- Internal Li-Po battery with 3.7V/900mAh.
- Adapts automatical to the targets voltage (1.7-5.5Volt ca. 30mA)
- Programmer can supply the target with a variable voltage, from
USB 1.7 to 5.2Volts, 30..300mA
- Easy and extensive software
- Software runs under XP, Vista
and Windows7, Windows10, 32 and
- Small, light weight and handy unit 115x55x20mm
- Packed projects can be stored from PC into the programmers MiniSD
- Projects can be stored into the microSD card via the PC's card
- Upto 63 projects on the flash card can be handled.
- Programmer can be moved from target to target w/o PC connection
or interaction.
- Project oriented.
- Power supply and microSD flash card included
Advantages of the UPP2-X
- UPP2-X doesn't need any adapter for PDI
programming !
- Can process AES encrypted
projects with the tool PackProg.exe and also directly from its
SD card
- programs 128kB flash (full mega128 with JTAG) in 3..4sec
- absolutely portable
- upto 64 projects and directories (folders)
- comprehensive user interface
- 108*64 Graphic LCD
- predestinated for repair stations and field service
Included accessories
- Power supply with 110..230V 5V
- USB cable
- microSD flash card
- Programmer cables 6pin and 10pin
- USB Stick with Manual and Software
